Episode 1 with Emily Martin

Building a Pet Business with a Greater Purpose

What does it take to build a pet biz with a greater purpose than just selling products? In this episode of the Pet Biz Project Podcast, Tarryn sits down with award-winning business owner Emily Martin who shares her vision for her eco-friendly and sustainable pet nappy company, Dundies, which helps pet parents to care for happier and healthier pets.

Emily Martin is the founder of Dundies, a reusable premium nappy company for dogs that was created from Emily’s own needs in caring for her rescue dog, Sophie, who was born with Spina Bifida and struggled with incontinence. Emily found that every product on the market simply didn’t work; whether disposable baby nappies or imported reusable pet nappies, nothing fit Sophie properly and all products were made from poor quality materials, causing leaks, rashes, ammonia burns and infections.

So Emily set out to make her own pet nappies, working with vets for over twelve months to develop this solution for Sophie’s (and other pets’) needs. Emily is passionate about helping pet parents care for their animals and preventing premature euthanasia.

Here’s a snapshot of what we discuss in this episode: 

  • Emily’s journey to creating Dundies, and how she incorporates eco-friendly and sustainable aspects
  • The importance of sharing your brand story on your website and social media
  • Making a difference to pet parents’ lives by providing education and support
  • How to leverage private community groups to more intimately engage with your customers and gather product feedback
  • Incorporating giving back into your operations as a pet biz
  • Capturing customer attention through creating a solid brand reputation
  • Dealing with negative feedback and persevering when you face confrontation or resistance in the industry.
  • Making sure you set up your eCommerce businesses properly from the start
  • Leveraging partnerships and thinking outside the box about how you can reach pet parents.

Discover Dundies here.

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