Developing an Exit Strategy For Your Pet Brand
If you’ve just started out building your pet biz, chances are you haven’t fully considered your exit strategy or the idea that one day you may want to sell off your business.
In this episode, growth coach and experienced ecommerce pet biz owner Adam McDonald talks about the importance of developing an exit strategy for your pet brand – and the potential pitfalls to avoid along the way.
The golden lesson from this episode is that it’s vital that you prepare for sale well in advance, as you never know when you might want or need to exit your business – rather than just letting it fold. You’ll also be better positioned to sell it off as an asset and create greater financial freedom for future business and lifestyle activities too.
Here’s an idea of we discuss in this episode:
- Adam’s journey of building a business and implementing an exit strategy
- The top lessons he’s learned from selling his ecommerce business ‘Pet Collars’
- The pitfalls of demand exceeding supply as a small business owner
- The importance of getting your paperwork, procedures and financials in order
- The benefits of email marketing and segmenting your audience to generate consistent sales
- How being ‘the face’ of your business can cause complications, when it comes time to sell your biz
Plus much more!
You can connect directly with Adam here.
Take a look at his previous business Pet Collars here.
Plus checkout his current business here.